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Meal Planning for Your Child With Type 1 Diabetes

Meal Planning for Your Child With Type 1 Diabetes

If you are a parent of a child with Type 1 Diabetes, then you know that meal planning is key to a child’s well-being. Yes, it is true that investing in nursing care can really benefit your son/daughter but as a parent, you must also be aware of what nutrients should be included in your child’s diet.

As a pediatric home health agency in Missouri City, Texas, we give you a list of the nutrients that your child’s meals must have. Take a look:

  • Carbohydrates
    these supply energy that your child’s body and brain will need in order to work. Just be sure to steer them towards complex carbs such as vegetables and whole grains, instead of simple carbs like pasta and processed grains as these tend to raise blood sugar levels quickly.
  • Protein
    10% to 20% of the calories that your son/daughter eats must come from protein. Try selecting lean meats such as chicken and beef.
  • Fat
    although 25% to 30% of calories your child takes in must com from fats, you must always remember to stay away from foods with a lot of trans fats or saturated fats. Instead, give them nuts like pecans or almonds to snack on.

These may seem overwhelming, but remember that CN HEALTHCARE, INC. is with you in this. Just give our home health agency in Houston, Texas a call if you need help at home with your child or want to schedule an appointment with a pediatric endocrinologist to learn more about your child’s condition.

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